Episode 78

Published on:

13th Sep 2022

Nick Kobayashi - Can Employers Get Career Development & Mentoring Right?

Nick Kobayashi of Open Door Consulting laments that employers don’t understand that a big reason why employees are quitting is because they don't see a path for growth. Since the 1980's, employer's have looked at employees as commodities. The employer/employee relationship changed and the responsibility of training and continuing education fell to employees. Now, employers are starting to pay the cost in terms of losing valuable talent, institutional knowledge, and increasing recruiting costs.

Nick suggests that every business needs to establish some kind of talent development program for their employees. Structured mentorship and career development programs are proven to improve engagement, reduce turnover, and increase revenue.  Nick lays out the 3 steps a business owner should take to attract and retain staff using career development.  Listen to the end for a valuable gift that Nick is offering our listeners.

Show highlights

02:46   Employees are leaving their jobs because they don’t see a path for growth.

03:20   The employer - employee relationship has changed for the worse in the last 40 years.

07:33   Employers need to combat lack of employee loyalty by offering talent development programs.

09:13   Why train staff if they are just going to leave?

13:24   The benefits to employers from investing in the development of their staff.

16:07   A 3 step approach to implementing a career development program.

21:21   Learn about Nick.  Email Nick at nick@opendoorconsulting.com.

Connect with Jay

Email Jay at jay.kingley@centricityb2b.com

Sign up for a free one hour workshop called Fast Track Your Way To A Thriving Consulting Practice. The workshop will show you how to replace the income you left behind in your last corporate job and then 5X it, get fully booked with clients at premium prices, and to have prospects chasing you so you can pick the clients and projects you want to work on while maintaining your revenues.

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About the Podcast

Fractionals Unplugged with Jay Kingley
Fractionals Unplugged - An Insider's Perspective On How To Recreate Your Corporate Income Without The Insane Hours As A Fractional Executive
Get the inside story on how to be a fractional executive who ranks in the top 20% of your peers with insights and wisdom on how to replace your corporate income without the insane hours to create the business you want on your terms. Learn the secrets to getting fully booked with clients, building a robust pipeline, and achieving premium pricing representing the value you bring to your clients.

Hear from the top experts advising and participating as fractional executives. Learn from:

✅ Jay Kingley, one of the top advisors on how the best fractional executives build a business to match,
✅ Leading fractional executives sharing the story of their struggles and successes,
✅ Operators of the premiere fractional communities on the value they bring to fractional executives, and
✅ The people who run fractional marketplaces where you can get key elements of what you need to be success in your business including, in some cases, clients.

Learn more at www.referabilitymaven.com

About your host

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Jay Kingley