Episode 107

Published on:

24th Oct 2023

Nate Jenson's Insider's Story As A Fractional CFO

Nate Jenson, Founder of Zero To CFO observes that most small businesses don't know what's harming their profitability. More importantly, they don't know what changes to make to fix that. They generally just try to 'work harder' to make improvements. Nate provides each of his clients, typically general contractors with 5 - 30 employees, with a financial dashboard and advice on how to run their business to drive profitability.

Nate reveals how 4 young kids can be a remarkable motivator to build your business and shares his advice for other fractional executives.

talks about the importance of a financial dashboard observes that a frequent complaint of quick service restaurant executives is their struggle with employees who don’t meet expectations and as a result experience ongoing customer dissatisfaction. When this happens, significant damage to reputation, revenues, and profits results.  

Email Nate at nate@zerotocfo.com or schedule a time to talk with him by visiting his website.

Connect with Jay

Email Jay at jay.kingley@referabilitymaven.com if you're a fractional executive, fractional community leader, or fractional community marketplace proprietor and would like to be a guest on our show.

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About the Podcast

Fractionals Unplugged with Jay Kingley
Fractionals Unplugged - An Insider's Perspective On How To Recreate Your Corporate Income Without The Insane Hours As A Fractional Executive
Get the inside story on how to be a fractional executive who ranks in the top 20% of your peers with insights and wisdom on how to replace your corporate income without the insane hours to create the business you want on your terms. Learn the secrets to getting fully booked with clients, building a robust pipeline, and achieving premium pricing representing the value you bring to your clients.

Hear from the top experts advising and participating as fractional executives. Learn from:

✅ Jay Kingley, one of the top advisors on how the best fractional executives build a business to match,
✅ Leading fractional executives sharing the story of their struggles and successes,
✅ Operators of the premiere fractional communities on the value they bring to fractional executives, and
✅ The people who run fractional marketplaces where you can get key elements of what you need to be success in your business including, in some cases, clients.

Learn more at www.referabilitymaven.com

About your host

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Jay Kingley