Episode 83

Published on:

18th Oct 2022

Jeff Krukin - Space The Current Frontier

Jeff Krukin of Earth-Space Commerce Advisors points out the tremendous potential that companies have to do business in the commercial space industry.  While you’ve heard of space industry companies like Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin, Elon Musk's SpaceX, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic, and even the space force military branch, you may not appreciate how much these and other companies in the sector may need what you offer.  Jeff informs us that space isn’t a far future market that's "out there".  The commercial space market is rapidly growing and needs products and services to solve issues they have today.

Jeff recommends that you need to do 4 things to develop a market access strategy.  First, identify where both the current and near-term demand is for your products in the various commercial space industry market sectors. Second, pinpoint and prioritize your target customers within these sectors.  Then, analyze your competition, and determine how to beat them, and finally develop an executable market access strategy.  Jeff provides a 5-step process to successfully implement your market access strategy to enter the commercial space sector.  Listen to the end for the details of Jeff’s gift to our listeners.

Show highlights

04:03   The opportunity to serve the commercial space market.

05:33   Why companies find this a hard market to break into.

08:15   What you need to do to take advantage of the opportunities in the commercial space sector.

11:18   The opportunities available to those who dare.

15:27   5 steps to implement your marketing strategy for the commercial space sector.

19:15   Learn about Jeff.  Email Jeff at jkrukin@esca.global.

Connect with Jay

Email Jay at jay.kingley@centricityb2b.com

Sign up for a free one hour workshop called Do Less Marketing. Get More Clients. The workshop will show you how to become remarkably referable so you can replace the income you left behind in your last corporate job and then 5X it, get fully booked with clients at premium prices, and to have prospects chasing you so you can pick the clients and projects you want to work on while maintaining your revenues.

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About the Podcast

Fractionals Unplugged with Jay Kingley
Fractionals Unplugged - An Insider's Perspective On How To Recreate Your Corporate Income Without The Insane Hours As A Fractional Executive
Get the inside story on how to be a fractional executive who ranks in the top 20% of your peers with insights and wisdom on how to replace your corporate income without the insane hours to create the business you want on your terms. Learn the secrets to getting fully booked with clients, building a robust pipeline, and achieving premium pricing representing the value you bring to your clients.

Hear from the top experts advising and participating as fractional executives. Learn from:

✅ Jay Kingley, one of the top advisors on how the best fractional executives build a business to match,
✅ Leading fractional executives sharing the story of their struggles and successes,
✅ Operators of the premiere fractional communities on the value they bring to fractional executives, and
✅ The people who run fractional marketplaces where you can get key elements of what you need to be success in your business including, in some cases, clients.

Learn more at www.referabilitymaven.com

About your host

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Taz Sadhukhan