Building Awareness That You’re A Fractional Executive — One Big Reason Why It Doesn’t Matter!
The lack of awareness of the label 'fractional' is not the main reason why fractional executives struggle to get clients. Fractional executives need to differentiate themselves and communicate their intellectual property to stand out in a market with an vast oversupply of fractionals. Success as a fractional executive depends on redefining the market and focusing on value rather than the label. Labels are useful in marketing but irrelevant in sales; clients hire based on the ability to make a positive impact on their business. The focus should be on communicating one's genius or intellectual property rather than obsessing over the label.
00:00 The Myth of Awareness
01:25 Defining Fractional Executives
03:22 The Price vs. Value Dilemma
04:52 The Catastrophe of Supply and Demand
07:45 Insight and Wisdom: Meeting Demand
10:16 The Importance of Communicating Genius
Email me at to set up a conversation to discuss your gap and if it is large enough what you can do to close it. Also email me if you're a fractional executive, fractional community leader, or fractional community marketplace proprietor and would like to be a guest on our show.